So on Sunday I spend the day with Lauren and Kelly biking through Potsdam, a city outside of Berlin, with Blakley our Fat Tire Bike Tour guide. It was such an unexpected experience, I had no idea what Potsdam would be like, and it was beautiful.

Photo credit goes to Blakley, this is his idea of a touristy photo.

This temple was built to represent Asian architecture.

We took a few minutes to photograph this field of yellow flowers.

The size of the courtyard and palace was indescribable!

The stairs leading up to the Sanssouci Palace. I had to run up those so I could see the top and make it back to the group in time! What a work out!

Me infront of the Sanssouci Palace.

We got to bike along beautiful tree lined streets, and along side the river. Potsdam was a great place for a bike tour.

Potsdam has a lot of buildings inspired by different areas in Europe, this street was built to look like the Netherlands.

This garden is part of a garden that was inspired by the Epyptians Its hard to tell from these two photos but there was a sphinx statue inside.

A beautiful mistake. I love it when this happens!

The Front of the Cecilienhof Palace.

Though Potsdam wasn't damaged too bad during WWII a lot of the buildings are still undergoing reconstruction.